"Give them the gift of words"


Owen Dwyer: Making Learning Fun At www.GamesToLearnEnglish.com

Categories: ESL Vocabulary, Vocabulary for Success, Vocabulary Resources |

When it comes to getting tips on how to learn English vocabulary, one of the best resources is someone who actually teaches English for a living. Owen Dwyer has been teaching English in China, and his students benefit from his experience with vocabulary and grammar. Now anyone can participate in the vocabulary-building games he uses with his students, which combine entertainment and education to help English as a Second Language (ESL) learners become English experts. We asked him about his experiences as an English teacher in a recent interview.

UV: How did you get started teaching English in China?

OD: I think China is the place to be for teaching English these days, the market is constantly growing and more and more China people are moving to big cities. As people get richer I think more and more people will want to learn English.

UV: What do your students find easier to learn, vocabulary or grammar?

OD: Vocabulary is obviously easier as and it’s pretty clear cut. You learn a word and the meaning and then use it a few times. When learning vocabulary it’s quite clear that you’re improving and that you know something you didn’t know before.

UV: Chinese society has changed a lot in the last decade. Have your course materials changed to reflect your students’ interests?

OD: Yes definitely. These days so many children have devices of one kind of another so simply listening or reading from a textbook seems quite one dimensional to them.

UV: What’s the most interesting place you’ve visited or thing that you’ve done while in China?

OD: I definitely think Shanghai is the most interesting place as everything is so big and crowded. Coming from a small town in England it’s really crazy to see everything there.

UV: Which of your games do you recommend for students who are just starting to learn English?

OD: The first one on the site, you can choose any vocabulary you like to play with.