"Give them the gift of words"


Improving Vocabulary? An Offer You Can’t Refuse

Categories: Vocabulary Building Words, Vocabulary Research, Vocabulary Resources |

In the last few months the trial of famous 1970s mobster James Bulger (known as “Whitey”) has been getting a lot of press in the United States. One of the things that has come out in testimony is interesting not because it talks about past crimes, but because it talks about how people used to talk about those crimes. In other words, there’s been a lot of old-fashioned “mob lingo” used – words that gangs and masterminds had in their vocabulary of slang. Crime doesn’t pay, as they say, but we think it would be criminal to let this example of the diversity of English vocabulary be locked away for good.

This word of Russian Yiddish origin means the interest charged by a loan shark, or the fee charged by a bookie when a person places a bet.

dropping dimes
Betraying a fellow criminal by turning them in to the authorities, often anonymously.

Demanding money from business owners using the threat of violence.

protection racket
Going around collecting “rent” and destroying businesses belonging to people who don’t pay.

A stolen car.

on the lam
Running away and hiding from the authorities.

Of course, using specialized words to refer to such activities isn’t anything new. A book called “The Canting Crew” was published in the early 18th century giving details about the vocabulary of the London underground – not today’s subway train system, but the “underworld” of beggars, thieves, and other unsavory characters who preyed upon the Ralph-Spooners (“fools”) in streets and taverns. According to the author, the book would help “all sorts of People (especially Foreigners) to secure their Money and preserve their Lives” in the big city. You can page through this fascinating document on line, if you like. Grab a cup of Adam’s ale to refresh you, and view the archived book here. Just remember to keep an eye out for Foyl-cloys and Free-booters!